Film – Monsters

In 2020 there was a call for entries for a short film comp with Sydneys State Library called Shortstacks. Shortstacks was an initiative of the State Library of NSW to encourage creative interpretation of the Library’s diverse collection through the medium of short film. There were several items brought out of their archives and the idea was to pick an item and create a short film about it.

The short films that best capture the chosen collection items, and are considered the most engaging, imaginative and innovative in content and delivery, would be deemed the winners.

The item I chose was a Sean Monster woodcut, dated 1550 by Sebastian Munster. This hand coloured woodcut shows various sea monsters, taken from the 1550 German edition of Sebastian Munsters Cosmographia, where a gathering of hypothetical sea creatures are depicted.

Tales of sea monsters terrified early sailors and explorers. Accounts of these creatures also inspired cartographers and mapmakers, who used images of these fabled monsters to decorate their maps, indicating unexplored areas or dangerous oceans.

My idea for the film was to show these creatures as misunderstood through chance and circumstance. Their alarming appearance causing people to flee and scream, when they were just trying to say hello or make friends, or scratch their back. And through that mistrust and assumption and being constantly villainised, they end up throwing in the towel, and giving in to the misconception.

So I excitedly made this little film with the help of some creative friends, in a stop motion style, and was all ready to go with my entry, when sadly the competition was drawn to a halt. Likely Covid played a part, it had just started flaring up, but unfortunately nothing came of it. The comp did not get reinstated, and my little animation was all dressed up with no where to go, being so specifically made for this purpose.

Such is life sometimes, so here it is. Please enjoy; Monsters.

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